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What is the Immanuel Encounter?

The Immanuel Encounter is a process of connecting personally and interactively with the Lord, and removing barriers and hindrances to an intimate, interactive lifestyle of connection with him. The goal is to build and deepen a securely attached relationship with the Lord, one that increases our capacity to stay connected to him even in difficult life situations or painful experiences.

Learn more about the Immanuel Encounter Program

Are you wanting to connect more with Jesus and His people?

Experience authentic connection as you learn with others how to live in a daily, interactive relationship with Jesus. 

Do you want to learn more about Immanuel Prayer?

Do more than learn about it, become an Immanuel Prayer minister through our experiential Immanuel Encounter Guide Training. You will learn and internalize the art of helping others connect deeply with Jesus. 

Watch an Immanuel Encounter Session

(Videotaped and posted with permission.)

Immanuel Encounter Testimonials

jim's story

jim's story (5 Yrs Later)

I'm able to give to someone who's been abusive toward me.

Angela's Story

carrie's story

Jaemey’s Story

I don't have to go my whole life struggling.

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